Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Resource-Aware Distributed Data Sanitization for Privacy Preserving Machine Learning

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  • When a single object is captured by multiple edge devices, the data captured by every edge device could contain both public and private information. The private information in every copy of the data captured has to be preserved while the public information has to be utilized for any further machine learning tasks. We present a machine learning framework that achieves these two competing objectives in a distributed and resource constrained environment. In this work, we develop a data sanitizing algorithm as an interplay between the two competing objectives and address the problem of resource constraints by utilizing an iterative model pruning technique. To demonstrate the system’s performance, we conduct experiments on a custom MNIST dataset. We synthesize a two digit dataset of numbers in the range 00-19. Any even number in this dataset is considered as public information and any number in the range 10-19 as private information.
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Fecha de Emisión
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Commencement Year
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Peer Reviewed
Embargo reason
  • Pending Publication
Embargo date range
  • 2021-11-16 to 2023-12-16



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