Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Three dimensional electromagnetic FDTD simulation of general lossy structures with nonuniform grid spacing

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  • A new second order accurate nonuniform grid spacing technique which does not depend on supraconvergence is developed for Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) simulation of general three dimensional structures. The technique is useful for FDTD simulations of systems which require finer details in small regions of the simulation space by providing the ability to utilize nonuniform grid spacing. The stability conditions of the new technique are derived and shown to be consistent with uniform grid formulation and the accuracy of the technique is investigated and shown to be second order. The advantage of the new technique is that it allows for greater simulation detail while reducing the computational and memory requirements compared to the current uniform grid FDTD techniques. Additionally, the derivation of the expressions associated with the inclusion of material properties in the FDTD simulation with nonuniform grids is presented allowing for the development of a nonuniform FDTD simulator for general lossy 3D systems associated with on and off chip interconnects, electronic packages and microwave circuits. In order to illustrate the utility of this simulator, time domain electromagnetic simulation of a 3-D lossy interconnect structure associated with a generic surface mount IC package is presented. The time domain currents and fields are computed in the structure to investigate ground bounce, signal degradation, and crosstalk associated with the interconnects and packaging structure. The supply plane conductivities are included in the simulation allowing the observation of the current densities in the power/ground planes as a function of time. Finally, the FDTD simulation tool is proposed and used as a Virtual TDR (V-TDR) to extract the circuit models associated with complex 3D structures. The time domain response of a multiport structure is used to extract the equivalent circuit parameters to characterize the multiport by using the multiport time domain reflection (TDR) based general deconvolution algorithm. Examples of coupled interconnects and transmission lines are presented to illustrate this technique.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome, 8-bit Grayscale) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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