Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Experimental and theoretical analysis of radial porosity in a monodisperse sphere packing

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  • This thesis presents an experimental study of radial porosity in a manually filled cylindrical container with glass spheres. The symmetric distribution of bead diameter allowed for normalization of container properties and porosity models. The aspect ratio of the container was approximately 3.9, with tube-to-particle-diameter ratio λ ≈ 24.6 and height-to-particle-diameter ratio κ ≈ 96.0. Differential porosity was measured in the axial and radial directions, and volumetric porosity was measured only in the radial direction. Monte Carlo integration was used to validate calculation methods, and the theoretical wall-effect-independent packing density was determined with high accuracy. Twelve radial porosity models were fitted to the data, and four were found to estimate the oscillatory structural behavior with long-range accuracy respect to periodicity and amplitude. Of these four models, Bey and Eigenberger’s model was most accurate at the axial packing domains, while Mueller’s revised model was most effective in the middle. De Klerk and Mueller’s original model were the best predictors of long-range radial order at axial domains but diverged close to the central boundary. Additionally, imperfections in the container wall were found to affect the accuracy of the determination of the wall-effect-independent packing density. This study provides insight into the behavior of radial porosity in a cylindrical container and presents models that can be used to predict porosity behavior in similar systems.
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