Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Machining and toxicological performance of a zinc oxide metalworking nanofluid

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  • Lower production costs are a common goal of many manufacturers as part of their continuous improvement strategies. A large portion of production costs for manufacturers is the machining of metals to form components. Metal machining is accompanied by friction and heat which is dealt with using metalworking fluids such as coolants and lubricants. Over the past decade, the addition of various nanoparticles has been investigated with the potential of improving a metalworking fluid's properties as a coolant or lubricant. The addition of zinc oxide nanoparticles as an additive to a semi-synthetic metalworking fluid is investigated. Sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP) was also used as a surfactant to prevent agglomeration of the nanoparticles. This mixture is termed a metalworking nanofluid (MWnF). A method for measuring the feed, cutting, and radial forces during a turning operation is developed. Machining of an aerospace grade titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) was performed on a lathe. Force data and temperature data were collected in real time for a continuous 30 minute cut representative of a finishing pass. The toxicity of the proposed nanoparticle additives was also assessed using zebrafish assay methods. The results from the work suggest that a 0.5% concentration by weight of zinc oxide nanoparticles yield a significant improvement in cutting forces (up to a 7% reduction) and temperature (up to a 4.6% reduction). While concentrations of zinc oxide nanoparticles used in the MWnF were found to be toxic, dilution of the MWnF to levels of 12.5mg/L ZnO yields a fluid deemed safe via zebrafish assay methods.
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Peer Reviewed



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