Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Guided Translation of Algorithmic Notation into Functional Programs

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  • The use of board games for teaching introductory computer science is a promising recent avenue of research. The goal is to introduce computing concepts through their use in the implementations of simple games, thereby keeping students engaged through their learning process. However, there is a gap between students' algorithmic descriptions of board games and executable programs. Beginner students working through exercises are encouraged to provide structured, yet somewhat informal descriptions of the algorithms involved, often with elements of natural language. This, in turn, means that these descriptions are ambiguous, and not well-suited for immediate execution. In this thesis, I present a system aimed at helping students refine their descriptions into working programs in a functional language. The informal algorithmic descriptions do not contain sufficient information to accomplish this translation independently from the user. The system therefore uses a dialogic approach, asking clarifying questions and iteratively refining the resulting functional program. The translation system consists of a set of formal rules describing how the translation should be accomplished, as well as a Haskell prototype implementing the model. A web-based user interface is also provided. This model was evaluated in a two-step process; an initial evaluation against 30 randomly picked student-generated examples was performed to refine the rules and prototype. The resulting system was then tested against additional programs from a different assignment.
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Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • This research has been supported by the National Science Foundation under the grants DRL-1923628 and CCF-2114642.
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