Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Seeking Wholeness Within Conditions of Possibility: Trans People's Intersectional Experiences Resisting the Pressure to Conform to the Gender Binary

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  • As a targeted attack is unfolding against LGBTQ+ people across the U.S. right now, the unique experiences of queer and trans people deserve more attention. Transgender people are subjected to unique forms of discrimination and marginalization through cisnormativity (i.e., the assumption that everyone is and should be cisgender) and transnormativity (i.e., the assumption that there is one way to really be trans; Bradford & Syed, 2018; Johnson, 2016). Cis- and transnormativity are systems of oppression that stifle gender fluidity, erase nonbinary gender identities, and pressure trans folx into conforming to normative cisgendered expectations (Garrison, 2018; Johnson, 2018; Sumerau et al. 2019). As a result, trans people are suffering from poor physical and mental health outcomes related to their experiences with discrimination and marginalization (James et al., 2016; Miller & Grollman, 2015). The negative effects of these forms of trans oppression could be particularly harmful during someone’s social transition (e.g., changing one’s name, pronouns, or gender expression), a time when support is greatly needed (Ehrensafta et al., 2018). Guided by felt theory and intersectionality theory that considers gender, race, and sexuality, this study’s objective was to identify and explain the ways a diverse group of trans people across binary, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming continuums have navigated cis- and transnormativity while socially transitioning. This qualitative study used semi-structured one-on-one interviews with a set of racially, sexually, and gender diverse participants to understand, from the participant’s point of view, how these systems of power and oppression are challenged or upheld. In doing so, my research identified strategies for resisting cis- and transnormativity. Findings from this research will be used to elevate individual and collective stories and experiences of trans folx, inform future research efforts, and support the development of culturally sensitive policies and trainings for community-serving practitioners.
  • KEYWORDS: transnormativity, cisnormativity, oppression, intersectionality, gender development
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