Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Energy conservation through evaporator fan cycling in a refrigerated controlled atmosphere apple storage facility

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  • A two year experiment demonstrated electrical energy savings through evaporator fan cycling in part of a full-sized refrigerated controlled atmosphere apple storage facility in Yakima, Washington. Room cooling demand and evaporator fan operation was controlled by the bulk fruit temperature. Refrigerant temperature was regulated by a computer controlled ramping sequence and a weighted average of three thermistors rather than a room thermostat. Evaporator fans remained off 60-65% of the time during periods of fan cycling operation. Seasonal average fan energy savings approached 50-55% when the product remained in storage for a typical length of time. Room environment conditions, product mass loss, and fruit quality were not compromised. Bulk fruit temperature was exceptionally stable as compared to fruit stored in non-fan cycled rooms controlled by traditional means. Less fan motor heat input in the fruit storage space also results in compressor energy savings. Total electrical energy savings were projected to an 18 room fruit storage facility implementing computer controlled evaporator fan cycling. Projected electrical energy savings achievable through evaporator fan cycling for the state of Washington were made based on reported apple storage capacity.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome, 8-bit Grayscale) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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