Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

An investigation of ethnocentrism, its elements, factors affecting its intensity, and implications for cross-cultural activities

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  • Ethnocentrism is a term for an attitude which causes individuals to place their culture at the center of the universe as they see it. Other cultures are evaluated in terms of the culture of the individual and are often valued less. Ethnocentrism and the behaviors associated with it have frequently been credited with contributing to many unfortunate and, sometimes, unanticipated outcomes from cross-cultural activities. This study attempted to answer questions about the nature of ethnocentrism, the association of levels of ethnocentrism with particular personal characteristics, the impact of training on this attitude, and the opinions of internationally experienced individuals on the significance of attitude to cross-cultural work and their recommendations for cultural education and training. A scale was developed to measure ethnocentrism. It was used to assess the change in attitude experienced by one hundred eighteen students enrolled in an introductory anthropology course. It was also used to measure the ethnocentrism of eighty cross-culturally experienced faculty members. The investigation utilized a questionnaire to obtain additional information from the faculty respondents. Factor analysis of the scale responses indicated the existence of two distinct factors for the students in the study, one reflecting individuals' attitudes toward their own culture and another reflecting attitudes toward other cultures. Analysis of faculty responses revealed just one major factor. T tests of the significance of mean differences were performed for several groups. Pre- and post-course student means were compared and were found to be significantly different, both for overall means and for means reflecting attitude toward other cultures, but not for means reflecting attitude toward one's own culture. A comparison of faculty and student means disclosed a significantly higher level of ethnocentrism relative to other cultures on the part of faculty members. World area of origin, age, and field of study were implicated as influential on the level of some aspects of ethnocentrism by regression analysis of mean ethnocentrism scores on five personal characteristics. T tests provided information about the direction of influence for these variables. Faculty responses to open-ended questions indicated that a majority felt that a culturally relativistic attitude was important to successful cross-cultural engagement. Most recommended fairly traditional education and training approaches. Few of the departments in the university provide or require cultural training which would address the issue of ethnocentrism.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6670 in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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