Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Awgsome Fault Injection: In-Depth Analysis of Waveform Generation for Voltage Glitches

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  • Voltage fault injection is a technique to disrupt power supply, such that the data or instruction flow in a microcontroller can be modified. Recently, a new class of voltage glitches was introduced termed arbitrary wave voltage glitches. Despite its demonstrated success in practical studies it comes with additional challenges, such as creating an explosion in glitch parameters, as well as requiring a more complicated fault injection setup in both hardware and software. We implement awgsomefi: an end-to-end framework for tuning and testing arbitrary voltage fault injections. We propose multiple novel arbitrary waveform generation methods with more concrete theoretical guarantees that allow for efficient glitch parameter searching and flexible desired outcome selection for the fault. Using this method we discover an alternative firmware extraction attack on the Renesas 78K0R microcontroller first introduced in "Shaping the Glitch". Our attack reduces the number of fault injections required and simplifies the flow of the attack. Furthermore, using a new glitch waveform basis, we construct a more efficient fault injection--achieving strong success rates while bringing down the chip reset rates from over 30% to under 5%--leading to an effective speed of more than double the one originally reported. This work further substantiates the potential threat of arbitrary wave voltage glitches for executing complicated fault injection attacks.
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