Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Dualidad Cultural: Analyzing Bicultural Identity Integration and Implicit Biases

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  • This study aimed to investigate the relationship between bicultural identity integration and implicit attitudes among Latine bicultural individuals. We hypothesized that (a) those with high levels of blendedness and harmony in bicultural identity integration would exhibit fewer negative implicit racial attitudes, and conversely, (b) those with high levels of conflict and compartmentalization in bicultural identity integration would display more negative implicit racial attitudes. To test these hypotheses, we conducted a quasi-experimental study involving 151 Latine bicultural individuals in the U.S. The sample was predominantly heterosexual (73.5%), White (27.8%), educated (39.1%) men (65.6%), with most identifying as second-generation participants (56.3%). Participants completed two main study components: (1) the Bicultural Identity Integration Scale using Qualtrics, and (2) an adapted version of the Hispanic American – European American Implicit Association Test using PsychoPy. Additionally, we integrated four separate scales for exploratory analysis, including the Everyday Discrimination, Color-Blind Racial Attitudes, Appropriated Oppression, and Modern Racism Scales. For behavioral data, we utilized the D-score app to calculate the D-score for all participants (D = 0.26). Subsequently, we conducted hierarchical linear analysis involving three models, with model 2 revealing statistical significance upon incorporating blendedness into the analysis of generation status and the combination of biases and average response time (R^2Change = .02). Finally, correlation analysis indicated that only Appropriated Oppression and Color-Blind Racial Attitudes showed significant correlations with the D-score, suggesting that the endorsement of American Standards of Beauty and Unawareness of Institutional Discrimination are the most relevant subscales, respectively. These findings shed light on the complex bicultural experience, opening the door to further study in-group prejudice, internalized racism, and the prevalent colorism within Latine communities.
  • Keywords: biculturalism, bicultural identity integration, implicit racial attitudes, IAT, implicit social cognition
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