Graduate Project

Effects of earth-moon-sun geometry on sea tide accelerations and implications for periodicities of atmospheric phenomena

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  • Sea tide heights predicted one year in advance are manipulated to give accelerations in centimeters per second per kilometer for the distances San Francisco to Humboldt Bay and Humboldt Bay to Astoria. Comparison of these accelerations to various earth-moon-sun lineups shows the accelerations are controlled by the 29.53 day lunar synodic cycle. The lunar tropical (27.32 day) and the anomalistic (27.5 day) cycles modify the tide's semidiurnalness and range. Owing to their different periods, these cycles come into and out of phase through time. The declination of the sun due to the tilt of the earth's axis imparts changes from solstice to equinox and equinox to solstice. Comparison of the summers of 1972-1975 shows that some earth-moon-sun lineups do not recur each summer. Some lineups do recur each summer but at a different time of the summer. The periodicities of the earth-moon-sun alignments give an ever changing nature to the level of the sea. Atmospheric phenomena may be strongly influenced by the sea level at one time and only weakly influenced at another time. Thus, it is necessary to understand the sea level changes driven by the earth-moon-sun alignments to predict atmospheric conditions.
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