Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Effects of selenium and glutathione peroxidase on the biosynthesis of prostaglandin E₂ and F₂α by the ram vesicular gland

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  • This study was conducted to investigate the involvement of selenium and glutathione peroxidase in prostaglandin biosynthesis by the ram vesicular gland. Vesicular glands were collected from healthy intact rams covering a wide range of selenium nutrition and were analyzed for selenium concentrations, glutathione peroxidase activities and levels of prostaglandin E₂ and prostaglandin F₂α. This study showed a statistically highly significant positive relationship between selenium concentrations and glutathione peroxidase activities, a statistically significant negative relationship between glutathione peroxidase activities and prostaglandin F₂α levels and a statistically positive relationship between prostaglandins E₂ and F₂α, but it did not show any significant relationships between gluthathione peroxidase activities and prostaglandin E₂ levels, between selenium concentrations and prostaglandin E₂ levels and between selenium concentrations and prostaglandin F₂α levels. The results of this study do not favour the direct involvement of selenium and glutathione peroxidase in prostaglandin biosynthesis by the ram vesicular gland. Glutathione peroxidase appears not to be an indispensible enzyme in this process or an obligatory requirement for its continuation. However glutathione peroxidase may have an indirect effect on prostaglandin biosynthesis by protecting the prostaglandin endoperoxide synthetase enzyme against harmful effects of lipid peroxides. The negative effect of glutathione peroxidase on prostaglandin F₂α, showed in this study agrees with and confirms a previous report. The significance and reasons for this negative relationship remain to be determined.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6670 in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.

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