Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Sulfa residue studies with market turkeys : repletion, depletion and recycling effect from reused litter

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  • A series of four experiments were conducted to study sulfa residues with market turkeys and to observe the repletion, depletion and possible recycling effect from reused litter. In the first experiment, sulfaquinoxaline (S.Q.) was fed at 0.015% level from 8 to 16 weeks of age. No significant effects were observed among the treatments in body weights, feed consumption, and mortality. The level of S.Q. remained slightly above 0.1 ppm after 12 days of withdrawal. Litter and the feed of the sulfa treated birds were 80, and 137 ppm. The second and third experiments were conducted to observe the depletion of sulfadimethoxine (SDM) from kidney tissue and to observe the carry-over effect from reused litter (1 and 2 times) to the edible tissue in market turkeys fed SDM at 0.00625% level from day old to 17 weeks of age. Body weights, feed consumption and mortality were not significantly different among the treatments. The level of SDM in the litter indicated an accumulation effect. No direct transfer of SDM was observed from the litter to the tissue. However, SDM levels in the litter did affect the depletion of the drug from the kidney tissue resulting in concentrations slightly above tolerance levels of 0.1 ppm 7 days after the initiation of the withdrawal period. High correlation coefficients were obtained between kidney, liver and breast tissues with the levels of SDM at the start of the withdrawal period. A fourth experiment was conducted to determine the repletion rate and plateau levels of SDM in the whole blood of market turkeys fed either a prophylactic level (0.00625%) or a therapeutic level (0.03125%) for 24 days. In the prophylactic treatment, SDM reached the plateau of 1 ppm after 15 days with the highest levels around 2 ppm at 14 days. In the therapeutic treatment, the level of SDM leveled at 24 hours with 4 ppm and the highest levels were obtained at 40 ppm at 11 days.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6670 in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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