Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Comparative behavior of the progeny of hatchery and wild steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri)

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  • The objectives of this study were to determine whether changes in the selective pressures which occur in a hatchery could cause inherited modifications in the behavior of steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri) that would affect their survival in the wild. Environmental effects on the behavior of the offspring of hatchery and wild adults were eliminated by raising the fish in a hatchery under identical conditions. Wild alevins survived better than hatchery alevins in artificial redds. The hatchery and wild alevins maintained similar positions in a rearing tank and had similar feeding behavior. Studies with an artificial stream channel indicated that hatchery fry were more aggressive, more attracted to cover, and may have had smaller territory requirements than wild fry. These modifications in the behavior of hatchery steelhead trout could affect their densities in streams. By raising fish in a more natural environment, genetic changes in the wild population may be minimized.
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