Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The effects of training on upper body power in female cross-country skiers

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  • A distinguishing feature of elite cross-country (xc) skiers is their superlative upper body power (UBP). Race points/rankings are highly correlated to UBP, thus it appears that UIBP training is an integral component to the success of xc ski racers. Recently, roller board training was shown to be superior for improving UBP when compared to circuit-type resistance training, free-weight training, and specific-strength training. However, a recent innovation in UBP training has been the introduction of the wind machine, and this has gained wide usage by xc skiers. The purpose of this study was to determine if wind machine training is as effective as roller board training in increasing upper body power in female cross-country skiers. Forty-four female xc skiers, age 23-59 years, were matched on initial absolute maximal UBP and placed into one of two experimental groups (roller board or wind machine). All subjects underwent eight weeks of UBP training. While both groups improved significantly in mean maximal absolute UBP, fl-tests indicated that there was no significant difference (p >.05) between the groups in the absolute UBP improvement, indicating that the wind machine was as effective at enhancing absolute UBP as the roller board. Future research should focus on determining the ideal UBP training program, combining the use of the wind machine, roller board, and various core and body resistance exercises.
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