Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Biology of the yellowjacket parasitoid Bareogonalos canadensis (Harrington) (Hymenoptera: Trigonalyidae)

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  • The known biology of Bareogonalos canadensis (Harrington) is based on literature records of six collections from three areas in the Pacific Northwest. The objective of this study was to obtain fundamental knowledge on the biology of B. canadensis, especially its distribution, abundance, and host species, as well as its potential for biological control of yellowjackets. This was accomplished by analyzing yellowjacket colonies from the Willamette Valley and the adjacent Coast Range forest. In 1986 and 1987 B. canadensis was found in 50 of 89 yellowjacket colonies collected from the Coast Range foothills of Oregon bordering the Willamette Valley. No B. canadensis were found in 103 colonies collected in the Willamette Valley. The parasitoid was reared from colonies of Vespula vulgaris (L.), V. Densylvanica (Saussure), V. atropilosa (Sladen) (new host record), V. consobrina (Saussure) (new host record), and Dolichovespula arenaria (F.), but was absent in nests of D. maculata (L.). Significant control of nests or worker populations was not shown. Females were found to oviposit primarily in Douglas-fir needles [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] but also in other foliage including western hemlock [Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.], huckleberry (Vaccinium parvifolium Smith), and snowberry [Symphoricarpos albus (L.) Blake]. They did not oviposit in leaves of grass (Poa sp.), cultivated bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), or pitch pine (Pinus resinosa Ait). All collections of this parasitoid came from areas with Douglas-fir. The taxonomic history of the Trigonalyidae is presented. It was shown that the holotype of B. canadensis had its labels switched with an autotype, and another autotype is mislabeled as the holotype. A note on the yellowjacket parasitoid Sphecophaga vesparum burra (Cresson), and a list of trigonalyid species, hosts, and distribution are given as appendices.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome, 24-bit Color) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.

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