Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Experimental Investigation of the Transition to Natural Convection in HTGR Applications using the Oregon State SFSETF

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  • High Temperature Gas Reactors (HTGRs) are positioned to disrupt local and global markets via their unique ability to produce carbon-free process heat, high efficiency power generation, and passively safe operational features. However, significant impediments still exist to delay deployment of this particular technology, including a lack of experimental data, verified code application, and lack of consensus with regards to severe accident progression. In particular, air ingress accidents represent a particular challenge to designers and engineers, as they represent low probability, but highly complex, accident scenarios. Including phenomena such as molecular diffusion, free convection, and complex heat and mass transfer paths, experimental and traceable data is essential to maturing the state of the industry. Therefore, this work presents an experimental investigation of the transition to natural convection in HTGR applications using the Stratified Flow Separate Effects Test Facility, housed at Oregon State University. In particular, this work will present data that challenges the assumption that molecular diffusion is a significant factor in this severe accident in the reference facility of the General Atomic 600 MWth Gas Turbine-Modular Helium Reactor (GT-MHR). Rather, pre-existing convective currents, produced via thermal gradients within coolant channels and at the core barrel wall, will drive convective flow within the core region, and any diffusive action is due to precluding air access to those currents. This will be done using a simplified cross duct that may be positioned in one of two ways so as to provide either horizontal or vertical access to the lower plenum area. Onset of natural convection (ONC) is measured using an oxygen sensor probe, immersed in the helium working fluid, so as to provide direct indication of air presence in the upper plenum.
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