Honors College Thesis

Mental health in college students, resident assistants, and college student leaders

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  • Mental health is a hot topic of concern for many college students, educators, and mental health professionals. Three-quarters of serious mental illnesses present in individuals before the age of 24 (American College Health Association, 2012). This age bracket also encompasses many college students, and the stressors and transitions associated with university life could contribute to the onset of mental health disorders. Students may feel pressured to prosper academically and socially while in college, but their mental health may fall by the wayside in pursuit of success, acceptance, and preparation for the future. Student leaders, and in particular Resident Assistants (RAs), may face increased pressures to be successful. As in many leadership roles, RAs are expected to model behavior that promotes community building, academic success, and overall life aptitude. RAs are also often required to respond effectively to emergency and crisis situations, resolve difficult conflicts, and go beyond their assigned duties to best meet the needs of their communities. Other student leaders may also face additional stresses due to their responsibilities to peer groups. Because of these additional stressors, RAs and other student leaders may be particularly susceptible to experiencing a lower mental health status, or developing a mental illness.
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Commencement Year
Non-Academic Affiliation
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Peer Reviewed



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