Honors College Thesis

Poly-ion Layers in Layer by Layer Coating of Bacteria : Growth and Zeta Potential

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  • To determine the best poly-ion layers to be used in encapsulation of pyrrolizidine alkaloid degrading anaerobic microbes, a study was carried out to test three layers on coating ability and ability of the bacteria to grow after being coated. Two positive layers, poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) and poly-L-lysine, and one negative layer, humic acid (HA), were selected for testing. PAH and HA were hypothesized to be the best pairing of positive and negative layers due to their common use in thin layer films. Coating ability was measured using zeta potential, and ability to grow after being coated was measured by spectrometry. PAH and HA coated cells showed a charge change between layers for the first four layers and then stopped changing. This indicates they stopped coating the cells after four layers. Cells coated with Poly-L-lysine and HA showed charge change for all six tested layers, indicating they coated the cells for all six layers. PAH-coated cells didn’t show growth over a 48 hour period. Poly-L-lysine and HA coated bacteria showed growth after 48 hours. These results prove the hypothesis null and indicate that poly-L-lyisne and HA are the best layers for use in encapsulating pyrrolizidine alkaloid degrading anaerobic microbes.
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Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • Grant: USDA-NIFA-SBIR-004553
Peer Reviewed



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