Honors College Thesis

Assessment of academic advising models in the OSU College of Science based on student and advisor feedback

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  • This study sought to explore the differences between the varied academic advising models in the College of Science at Oregon State University through the feedback of its undergraduate students and advisors. Using parallel surveys of students and their academic advisors, it found that the decentralized and centralized models each had advantages and disadvantages. Advisor responses showed that the professional advisors in centralized models seem to be meeting more of the delivery outcomes outlined in the OSU Academic Advising Statement. This may be due to a combination of characteristics of the model such as time devoted to advising and presence of a central office as well as advisor characteristics such as educational background. Student responses suggested that students seem to be building better advisor-student relationships with faculty advisors in decentralized models, possibly due to the lower advising loads given to each faculty member. Many outcomes showed no significant differences between the centralized, decentralized, and mixed models, indicating that the models are equally as effective in these areas. The results provide insights for the OSU Academic Advising Statement goals. Recommendations are made for the implementation of advisor training, encouragement of the instructor/advisor path, improvements to communication pathways, and education of students on the full potential of academic advising.
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Commencement Year
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Peer Reviewed

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