Technical Report


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  • The speaker provided the background of the conference and its objective. The groundwork for the current conference was laid in earlier workshops and studies. These include the 2007 scientific workshop, "Ecological Effects of Wave Energy Development in the Pacific Northwest", the report "Effects of EMFs from Undersea Power Cables on Elasmobranchs and Other Marine Species", and the 2009 "Report to Congress on the Potential Environmental Effects of Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy Technologies". The objectives include: 1) Assemble scientific expertise, key regulatory agency staff, and stakeholders and promote information exchange; 2) Identify existing and planned scientific research that addresses environmental concerns associated with the development of marine renewable energy; 3) Identify data gaps related to evaluation of environmental effects and the scientific approaches needed to address these data gaps; 4) Improve communication among all stakeholders in marine renewable energy development off Oregon; 5) Develop workshop products (website, proceedings document) that will make this information broadly available to all Oregon marine renewable energy stakeholders.
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