Technical Report

OSU Marine Team: Long-term sampling of ichthyofauna in Yaquina Bay

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  • Marine Team is a student effort to examine spatial and temporal variation of fish species within Yaquina Bay. Marine Team was developed at OSU as a seminar course with a field sampling component, to help students of marine ecology get “hands on” experience with data collection and analysis. We set out to recreate a historical survey of Yaquina Bay, conducted by the EPA in 1967-68 (De Ben et al. 1990). Monthly monitoring of abiotic and biotic parameters at 5 sites within Yaquina Bay has been ongoing since November 2002. Preliminary results indicate changes in fish diversity and abundance between 1967-68 and 2002-2005. Total species diversity has decreased within Yaquina Bay. Seasonal changes in diversity and abundance indicate variations in community structure, evidenced by numerous juvenile and migratory species inhabiting Yaquina Bay seasonally. Further analysis will concentrate on examining fine scale variations in abundance and diversity on numerous spatial and temporal scales, while correlating strong trends with local hydrographic and oceanic conditions.
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