Technical Report

Recreation Needs of Mountain Bikers at the Whiskey Run Trails in Bandon, Oregon: A Final Report from a 2021 Survey

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  • Objectives This project presents findings from a survey of 409 mountain bikers, including 257 bikers who have been to Whiskey Run and 152 who have not. The survey was conducted in the fall of 2021 by a research team from the College of Forestry at OSU led by Dr. Ian Munanura, an assistant professor of nature-based tourism. The study's main aim was to help Coos County and its collaborators, including TSOC and ORSTN, understand the recreation needs of mountain bikers at Whiskey Run. Specifically, the project aimed to accomplish four overall goals: 1. Identify the most important recreation facilities to mountain bikers at Whiskey Run. 2. Identify the level of support for selected recreation services at Whiskey Run. 3. Identify the level of support for new recreation management actions aimed to enhance mountain biking experience at Whiskey Run. 4. Identify the level of willingness to contribute resources toward trails maintenance costs
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