Technical Report

Growth, Seed Yield, and Oil Production of Three Winter Canola and One Camelina Cultivars, Seeded on Five Fall Dates in the Klamath Basin, 2007-2008

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  • The recent increase in energy prices and political instability in the Middle East has sparked renewed interest in alternative energy sources and technologies both locally and nationally. As described in our other studies (Roseberg et al., 2007; Roseberg and Shuck, 2008a and 2008b), we have begun testing the agronomic requirements of canola and camelina as potential sources of oilseed crops for biodiesel production. In these studies, canola has grown well and produced fairly good yields relative to existing production areas. However, in the Klamath Basin, spring-seeded crops are highly dependent on irrigation. To our knowledge, testing of fall-seeded canola has not been done. Like other crops, fall seeding may allow the grower to take advantage of winter precipitation and a longer growing season before flowering, potentially resulting in higher yields if winter survival and low temperatures during pollination do not reduce stand vigor or seed formation. Thus the objective of this study was to test the ability of several fall-seeded canola varieties to germinate, overwinter, flower, and produce a harvestable seed yield the following summer.
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