Honors College Thesis

Arguing without Words: An Exploration of Visual Argument

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  • The current debate over the possibility of visual argument is rooted in the idea that, to many, argument is strictly a verbal art of communication in which visual images do not apply. Others note a significant value that images have on argumentation and suggest that denying the scope of argument to include these visual tools would cost us a larger understanding of this art as a whole. To explore this highly contested conversation regarding visual argument, I have presented a discussion of the varying sides of the debate. In forming the literature review, I compiled a set of criteria for what is required of argument to test if they could also include visual images. With these criteria in mind, I created a visual project of my own with the intention of proving whether or not visual argument can exist. I then analyzed the project based on the given criteria for argument. In finding that my project shows evidence of visual argument, the final discussion I present is in what might be the most beneficial response to the current conversation. I suggest three different options as to how we might continue with or cease the discussion and then examine which option would promote the most effective communication overall.
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