Undergraduate Thesis Or Project

Candy Making and the Effects of Heat Upon Sugar

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  • Confections are recognized by every man, woman and child of almost all of the civilized nations of the world as a delicious concoction and there is not a nation in existence today which has not its own particular sweet meat. The ability of the Japanese for mint making and of the French for fondant making is world famous. The time will come and cone it should when the American housewife will be able to excel even these in the preparation of pure, delectable candies for the consumption of her family. Few housewives of the present day have the ability, the patience or perseverance to make candy. It is a lack of knowledge, ignorance or other more pressing household duties that she does not devote more time to it. Practically speaking it is a lack of knowledge, because by many it is regarded merely as a delicacy to be afforded only by the wealthy and to form no article of value to the diet, but the dietician of the present time has shown that sugar forms a very valuable part of the diet and just what part it takes will be discussed, the facts based upon scientific research.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi using Capture Perfect 3.0.82 on a Canon DR-9080C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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