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Fire Protection Coverage Work Group Final Report

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  • About 6 million acres of Oregon wildlands have no organization responsible for suppressing wildfires. Most of these lands are in remote areas of the state with low population density and relatively low resource values. Some wildfires on these lands become large fires that damage adjacent landowner resources and property, threaten public safety, and are expensive to suppress. Since 1996, at least 120 fires involving lands without fire protection have burned over 240,000 acres at a cost approaching $9 million. For the 2004 Oregon Fire Program Review, a diverse group of landowners, county government, structural fire protection and wildland fire protection organizations, and the insurance industry addressed these questions: Should all wildlands in Oregon have some type of fire protection? Should unprotected wildlands that could threaten ODF protected lands have some type of fire protection? What level of protection from wildfire should be provided? Who should be responsible for providing wildland fire protection where it is not currently provided? What should the role of government be in establishing and providing this wildland fire protection? Who should pay for availability and suppression costs associated with wildland fire protection? General conclusions: Landowners’ role is to maintain a base level of responsibility for using fire wisely, managing fuels on their property, and taking appropriate suppression action on fires. The role of county government is to facilitate community objectives and develop an approach to meet those needs. The role of state government is primarily to assist these efforts and to help them succeed, e.g. providing technical assistance in organizing, equipping, and training for wildland fire suppression, prevention, and mitigation. They would also provide assistance with grants, planning, and appropriate suppression assistance. The role of the federal government would be to assist through providing grants, Federal Excess Personal Property (FEPP), and participating in agreements as appropriate. The report includes a number of more specific recommendations.
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Peer Reviewed
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  • 410236 bytes



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