Undergraduate Thesis Or Project

Course in Cookery, Seventh and Eighth Grade

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  • It is only recently that Cookery has been looked upon as a science of vital importance. At present the majority of the people fail to realize the vast importance it bears to the happiness and welfare of humanity and it is becoming further established every year. Oregon is retarded in introducing it into the state because of lack of means. The cookery in the seventh and eighth grades will, first of all, give the girls a new attitude toward cookery, it will awaken in them an interest which will cause them to enjoy helping their mothers cook, it will help them to correlate the work of their minds with their hands; to be responsible; systematic and congenial with their surroundings. This is more than can be said of any other one branch of knowledge in the Public School. But it will also give them a better appreciation of Physiology and Hygiene and Mathematics and cultivate a desire to make all things attractive and thus develop the aesthetic part or their nature. This course of study is based on an extensive course in Domestic Science and a thorough investigation of such courses as taught in the public schools of St. Louis, Chicago, the Domestic Science Department of Columbia University, Pratt Institute, the Manual Training school of Muskegon, Michigan and also a study of Miss Tingle's work in Portland, Oregon.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi using Capture Perfect 3.0.82 on a Canon DR-9080C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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