Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Explore Oregon Forests : A Web-Based Educational Tool for Connecting Forestry and Tourism

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  • This thesis focuses on the creation of a new collaborative website to connect key forestry topics to tourists and forest recreationists. It is divided into two main sections; the first explains the purpose and methods for creation of a new web-based educational tool called Explore Oregon Forests. Created through a partnership between Oregon State University and the Oregon Department of Forestry, the Explore Oregon Forests project features a website which allows people to virtually explore forests and forestry issues. For this thesis, a tour was created involving trail of Forest Park in Portland while providing educational messaging about invasive forest plants. The second section focuses on a survey of state forestry agencies to learn how they are using outreach and education as part of their management of invasive plants and what outreach and education methods they find effective. The findings indicate that there are common methods and existing conditions that contribute to the effectiveness of outreach and education regarding invasive plants in each state. They also show how web based educational projects like the Explore Oregon Forests website connect to many of the state forestry agencies' strategies for managing invasive plants.
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Peer Reviewed



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