Technical Report

Broccoli heat tolerance and varietal evaluation in western Oregon

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  • With the hot summers of recent years causing significant heat damage to broccoli heads within the Willamette valley, varietal screenings for newer and more heat tolerant varieties became necessary. Most commercially available broccoli varieties are bred for production within milder and more climatically stable regions, such as the Salinas Valley of California. Determining which broccoli varieties would be the most climatically suitable to grow here in Oregon is one of the best ways to ensure the long-term viability of the broccoli industry. Over the past four years (2019-2022), varietal screenings have been conducted at the OSU Vegetable farm in Corvallis to evaluate newly released varieties and experimental broccoli lines for suitability to our regional climate. The experimental design incorporated six planting dates (i.e. spaced one week apart) to maximize the potential range of temperature variability the broccoli varieties would see within a single growing season. The evaluation criteria used for this trial was designed to identify the broccoli hybrids which have the most complete range of desirable characteristics for broccoli growers in Oregon. Most of the 40+ broccoli lines screened in the past four years have had one or more detrimental qualities observed within the 6 plantings. The most common of the heat related detrimental qualities observed were irregularities in bead size and a lack of uniformity in head shape and color. Overall, several broccoli hybrids originating from established seed companies such as Sakata and Seminis (Lieutenant, Eastern Crown, Eastern Magic) generally performed well and produced acceptable yield and quality. However, these may lack other desirable field traits such as head exsertion, which allows for ease of mechanical harvesting. Other cultivars with consistent field performance across all four growing seasons, with heads of high quality and acceptable yields, were Kings Crown (Tainong Seed) and Asteroid (HM Clause). Viper and Wolfman, two varieties recently released by Hazera Seeds and screened in our trial for the past two years, have proven to be exceptionally consistent and the most heat tolerant of all the varieties.
  • Keywords: Broccoli, Heat Tolerance, Variety Trial, Mechanical Harvesting, Processed Vegetables
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  • Funded by the USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP).
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