ScholarsArchive@OSU FAQ
1. What is ScholarsArchive@OSU?
ScholarsArchive@OSU is Oregon State University’s digital repository for research, scholarship, and historical records. OSU Libraries is responsible for collecting, maintaining, preserving, and providing access to the items in ScholarsArchive@OSU.
2. Who can contribute items to ScholarsArchive@OSU?
Members of the OSU community contribute to ScholarsArchive@OSU. If you have questions about specific types of content and whether they are appropriate for ScholarsArchive@OSU, please contact us.
3. What are the benefits of depositing my research or scholarly materials into ScholarsArchive@OSU?
1. Universal access - Items in ScholarsArchive@OSU are available to anyone in the world with an Internet connection. There are no fees to access work.
2. Increased impact - Open access scholarship is cited more often than scholarship available via paid subscriptions. Increased visibility and use of open access scholarship boosts impact, as demonstrated by ScholarsArchive@OSU's download statistics.
3. More exposure - ScholarsArchive@OSU makes your work freely available to anyone who may be interested.
4. Easier information discovery - The full text of your work and its metadata is searchable, making it discoverable through Google, Google Scholar, other large search engines, and library search tools.
5. Persistent access - Every work in ScholarsArchive@OSU is secured to a persistent URL that won’t break or disappear. You can paste this URL into any document, resume, CV, or webpage with confidence that it will work in the future.
6. Long-term preservation - OSU Libraries is committed to maintaining and preserving content and associated metadata stored within ScholarsArchive@OSU.
7. New computational research technologies - ScholarsArchive@OSU takes advantage of new computational research technologies to provide additional functionality, such as text mining and data linking.
8. Highlight research - ScholarsArchive@OSU provides a showcase for your department’s research and scholarship. You can point to your department’s scholarship to attract scholars, researchers, and funding.
9. Create a corpus of OSU research and scholarship - ScholarsArchive@OSU captures the intellectual capital of Oregon State University in one place.
4. Who can access the items in ScholarsArchive@OSU?
The vast majority of items in ScholarsArchive@OSU are public and can be freely accessed by anyone in the world with an Internet connection. Users do not need to register or login to view or download items.
A small number of items are restricted to the OSU community at the request of the author. If you’re interested in viewing a restricted item, please email us using the Contact form, and we’ll attempt to put you in direct contact with the author.
Other Resources:
ScholarsArchive@OSU Policies
License & Rights Statement FAQ
ScholarsArchive@OSU User Guide