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The role of consumers in fisheries product market development in Oman

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  • This paper relates fish market and product development to consumer habits, perceptions, income, and other socio-economic factors through descriptive statistics and logic model analysis. The study collects and analyzes information needed for guiding public and private decisions in domestic fish market development. A 1994 survey interviewed a sample of 130 rural and urban Omani consumers to evaluate consumer buying behavior in varying fish outlets with respect to product quality, safety, and diversification. The analysis involved three stages: descriptive characteristics of Omani fish markets and an assessment of their organization; an examination of market types inferred by consumers' behavior; and identification of opportunities to develop markets that accept new quality and safety standards, new product diversification, and diversified market outlets. Purchasing and consumption habits of fish product forms and species are associated with income and educational levels, urban/non-fishing and rural/fishing locations, and fish and market characteristics. Consumer preferences, habits, income, and select behavioral factors affect market dimensions and potential product development
  • KEYWORDS: Logic model analysis, Descriptive statistics, Consumers, Trade, Fishery products, Product development, Socioeconomics, Markets
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  • Houston, Jack. 1996. The role of consumers in fisheries product market development in Oman. In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, July 1-4, 1996, Marrakech, Morocco. Compiled by Ann L. Shriver. International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, 2002. CD ROM.
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