Conference Proceedings Or Journal

An Economic Analysis To Sustainable Fisheries Management

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  • The coastal zone is a dynamic area surrounding the interface between land and sea. The coastal area and its resources offer great benefits and opportunities for human use. Most coastal activities in Tanzania rely on the natural resources that the coast offers (fishing, forestry, agriculture, tourism, mining, salt production mariculture etc). Therefore the condition of the coastal ecosystem and social well being are closely linked. The challenge is to maintain and improve the resources base on which those activities are dependent, while developing new economic opportunities in a way that benefits the people of the coast and the nation as a whole. A major constraint is the inadequate institution and legal framework for coastal management. Economics is about efficient allocation of resources. In normal cases market forces provide efficient allocation of resources. In fisheries, however, market forces alone can not produce an efficient allocation. And as it has been evident in this paper there is already overfishing in most of the offshore waters where majority of artisan fishernen concentrate. Thus calling for policy intervention to rescue the stock from depletion. This should include licencing, seasonal closure; finding alternative economic activities to fishermen, and community based conservation approach can as well be instituted.
  • Keywords: Artisan Fisheries, Efficiency, Bioeconomic model, Maximum Sustainable Yield, Maximum Economic Yield, Open Access Equilbrium.
Resource Type
Fecha Disponible
Fecha de Emisión
  • Lokina, R.B. An Economic Analysis To Sustainable Fisheries Management. In: Microbehavior and Macroresults: Proceedings of the Tenth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, July 10-14, 2000, Corvallis, Oregon, USA. Compiled by Richard S. Johnston and Ann L. Shriver. International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET), Corvallis, 2001.
Conference Name
Conference Location
  • Corvallis, Oregon, USA
Proceedings Editors
  • Shriver, Ann L.
  • Johnston, Richard S.
Declaración de derechos
Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade; U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service; MG Kailis Group



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