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Marketing potential and barriers for fresh packed fish

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  • The main research question in this paper is: What impacts do the perceived structural changes in (1) consumer demand for fresh quality and (2) mobility (trade) barriers in distribution have on the market and trade patterns for fresh packed consumer fish products? A representative sample of UK and French seafood supermarket buyers, importers and wholesale distributors were interviewed about their perceptions of the answers to these questions and the data collected were subjected to statistical analysis. The results show that processors with access to fresh fish landings have a strong incentive to maintain the «freshness» properly as the fish move through the market channel. Indeed, the fact that they have access to fresh fish in the first place gives such processors a competitive advantage in the high quality end of the market. The results show further that market potential is perceived to be better for fresh packed fish than for traditional frozen products. The potential is higher in France than in the UK. The potential for both fresh and fresh frozen consumer packs is perceived to be strong. The potential for consumer products from frozen blocks (portion cut) is still perceived to be good in the UK, but not in France. Several barriers to increased sales of fresh packed consumer products were identified. Not surprisingly, price, and therefore consumer demand, was ranked as the primary barrier in the market. Other important factors are switching cost (i.e. costs of changing to a different supplier), uncertain quality, unsteady supply, a reluctance of suppliers to invest in sales promotion and, finally, weak personal relationships. Barriers in the raw fish market, that is, constraints at the harvest level, and lack of knowledge about the qualifications of alternative processors are also perceived to be important. These entry barriers have to be overcome by new suppliers before entry is possible.
  • Keywords: Demand, Interviews, Marketing, Fresh fish, Statistical analysis, Consumers, Fishery products, Trade barriers, Packaging, Data collection
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  • Trondsen, Torbjorn. 1996. Marketing potential and barriers for fresh packed fish. In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, July 1-4, 1996, Marrakech, Morocco. Compiled by Ann L. Shriver. International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, 2002. CD ROM.
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