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  • The role of women in fisheries is often undermined. Several studies have tried to show how important is women in fisheries, particularly in marketing. In support for this kind of studies, this paper will try to measure the role of women in fisheries sector. Using a one full year fish auction log-book, observations and in depth interview, it will, first calculate the volume and value of the actioned fish bough by women (compared to man). Second, we will see the kind of fish, post-harvest processing and marketing channel participated out by the women. We will use the first as the basis to calculate the role of women in saving the catch by buying it from fishers (via auction). The second, by understanding the post-harvest process and marketing channels, we will see the contribution of women to the local community, regional, national or even international fish supply. The basis of this paper is an ongoing research project that will be finalized in the end of February 2016.


