Graduate Project

An editor for message passing programs

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  • Preparing code for parallelization is one of the most time consuming programming tasks; approximately 24% of the program development activity is spend in this phase. In message passing systems, this is usually achieved by the addition of run-time message-passing library calls. The primitives provided by different message-passing libraries are similar, and programs using them share many common patterns. Certain calls tend to occur together and in a predictable order. Some primitives are paired, so the existence of one implies the occurrence of the other elsewhere in the program. MP-Edit exploits the similarities of message passing libraries to facilitate the process of inserting the primitives into source code modules. It provides templates for the primitives, which helps reduce typing effort and the likelihood of syntax errors. The templates are organized into logical categories reflecting common patterns of use. MP-Edit also assists' in coding paired calls by providing automatic argument substitution. All of these features are implemented in a general way (neither language nor library specific), which allows the tool to be easily adapted to new message-passing libraries.
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Peer Reviewed



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