Graduate Project

Benefit of high tunnel production system and impact on fruit quality of organic strawberries : a review

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  • This paper represents a review of the current knowledge and latest developments in High Tunnel (HT) Production Systems for Organic Strawberries and the Impact on Fruit quality. Growing short-day and day-neutral Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) family Rosaceae under high tunnel can provide an opportunity for early fruit ripening, extended fruit harvesting, and improved fruit quality for the fresh market. Several published studies showed that June bearing and day neutral strawberries produced fruits under HT 4-5 weeks prior compared to open field conditions. The cost of HT installation can be a limitation for small farmers, however, early production under HT could provide higher fresh market price with a better organic premium that compensates for the cost. Also, HTs can offer solutions for severe weather conditions in Southwest Central Florida to overcome yield losses due to heavy rain, windstorm, hurricanes, and frost. Studies have shown that high humidity under HT can be challenging for control of diseases like powdery mildew. However, microclimate created under HT with the use of appropriate plastic mulch helps to control diseases and weed infestation by regulating uniform soil temperature and uniform distribution of irrigation water, which is critical for the organic production systems. The HT production system increases the market value of produce by improving quantitative and qualitative traits like yields, increasing fruit size, and providing more uniform flower, and fruit development at stages 1-8. A HT system may also positively affect total soluble solids, which makes fruits sweeter. In addition, strawberry fruits under HT can be protected against extreme heat stroke or fruit discoloration. Significant limitations for the HT production of strawberries will be to assure pollination in hot and humid climates under tunnels that affect bee activity, and subsequently fruit sets. The use of supplementary pollination in HT has been shown to improve economic returns for strawberries by increasing yield and decreasing the incidence of misshapen fruits.
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Date Issued
Degree Level
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Degree Field
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Commencement Year
Non-Academic Affiliation
Peer Reviewed
Embargo reason
  • Pending Publication
Embargo date range
  • 2023-04-07 to 2024-05-08



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