Graduate Project

The scene model : extending functionalities of the Objex application framework

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  • To ease the process of building GUI applications, we constructed an object-oriented application framework called Objex which defines much of an application's standard user interface and operating behavior. By incorporating the MVC (Model-View­Controller) interaction model in the framework, design as well as code is reused by all applications derived from Objex. Even so, Objex is inadequate in helping the programmer handle interaction among objects. Extra programming effort is needed when managing the window-palette and window-menu association. This implies that Objex. lacks a flexible design for a programmer to u e to organize standard user interface objects and control interaction among them. A Scene model was incorporated in Objex to solve the above problems. A scene class contains a list of windows, some menus, and a palette. The menus and palette are associated with these windows, and this association is managed by the framework. Rather than create independent objects, the programmer creates scenes which organize interaction among user interlace objects. Two new classes CLScene and CLDialogScene were added to Objex and several existing classes have been changed. The modified framework called Scene Framework retains all the advantages of Objex and allows the applications constructed with the old framework to be easily updated. A real word application called RTSD was constructed using the Scene Framework that shows the MVC and Scene model are powerful in building complex GUI applications.
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