Graduate Project

Experdite : a model based expert diagnostic system using a high level test description language

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  • To be competitive in the development and production of complex electronic systems, a company must constantly scrutinize its manufacturing processes to find ways to reduce costs and increase productivity. One of the more costly problems is the inability to troubleshoot and repair faulty circuit boards on the spot. Rather, they must be divert.ed off the manufacturing line to a senior technician for diagnosis and repair. The purpose of Experdite is to provide a practical expert diagnostic system for manufacturing line personnel so they can quickly troubleshoot and repair most circuit board faults, thereby eliminating the need to send the board off line. Experdite also addresses other inherent manufacturing line issues, including the need to have a general purpose and easily adaptable system to work with many different circuit boards. It addresses the need for an expert diagnostician before anyone has bad the time to become an expert troubleshooter on the circuit board. The final issue addressed is the ability to quickly and easily modify the knowledge base to handle any inevitable hardware changes. The component and self-test behavior for the target circuit board is abstracted and then modeled with a high level Test Description Language, or TDL. A TDL to C++ translator converts the TDL description into a knowledge base of C++ classes. Then the inference engine traces the thread of causality to a fault on a circuit board by gleaning information from the knowledge base and comparing it to the actual behavior of the circuitry. This paper elaborates on each of these points. Also included in the paper are descriptions of the implementation and application of Experdite to a production circuit board.
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