Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The effects of knowledge and attitudes about AIDS on behavior among the students of Chulalongkorn University

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  • This study investigated the effects of knowledge and attitudes about Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) on behavior among 293 students of Chulalongkorn University, Faculty of Education, Bangkok, Thailand. The purposes of this study were to : a) assess university students' knowledge and attitudes about AIDS, and their sexual behavior; b) ascertain whether accurate knowledge of AIDS and attitudes towards AIDS are related to sexual behavior; c) determine if sexual behaviors have changed as a result of AIDS awareness; d) determine if these young adults perceive themselves to be at risk for contracting AIDS; e) examine the relationship between demographic and sexual behavioral patterns of this target population; f) determine gender differences in attitudes, knowledge and behavior. The instrument used in this study was a standardized questionnaire, developed in parts by Gray and Saracino, (1989) and Larsen, (1988) . The instrument included a 37-item true -false knowledge test on the transmission, etiology, epidemiology and prevention of AIDS as well as general information about AIDS and a 20-item Likert -type scale on Attitudes Towards AIDS Victims (ATAV). Data were analyzed using analysis of variance, pearson product moment correlation and chi-square test. The results from this study indicated that there was no relationship between attitudes, knowledge and risky sexual behavior. There was no significant difference with respect to knowledge score of AIDS between male and female students. However, there was significant difference between male and female students with respect to attitudes toward people with AIDS and communicating with prospective partners. The data revealed that males had a more positive attitude towards people with AIDS than females and females used more effective communication patterns than males. The findings also showed that most students do not perceive themselves as being at risk for AIDS. The study results were reviewed in light of the literature on attitudes and knowledge of AIDS and sexual behavior due to awareness of AIDS among various adolescents and university students. Implications and recommendations for university students as a result of this study were presented.
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