Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Performance-Based Design Methodology for Using Emergent Vegetation to Mitigate Wave Overtopping

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  • To facilitate the design of Natural and Nature-Based Features (NNBF) for flood protection, this thesis expands an existing engineering design methodology to NNBF systems. The existing approach is a Level III reliability method for the performance-based design of traditional coastal engineering systems. The expanded methodology incorporates uncertainties inherent to both hydrodynamics and vegetation, producing the expected performance of an NNBF system over its design life. This approach is examined with an idealized case study inspired by a Southern Florida embayment containing a hybrid system with a revetment and mangroves, which are planted at two years old. The relevant vegetation parameters are determined with empirical allometric relations. The expected overtopping and associated probability of failure are calculated in each year of the design life. These performance variables are not constant in time; the probability of failure peaks in the third year of the design life before decreasing, indicating improved performance of the system over time. Alternate design configurations are tested, with more mangroves resulting in better performance of the hybrid system. Other mangrove restoration tactics are examined, with the natural establishment of mangrove propagules resulting in the maximum probability of failure occurring in year 5, but smaller probabilities of failure at the end of the design life. The model is also run considering the structural failure of mangroves, implemented with a fragility function. The incorporation of mangrove mortality results in higher probabilities of failure. The model is verified through examining different allometric relations, values of uncertainty, and fragility functions. The implications of the model assumptions and future work are discussed.
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