Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The outcomes of the use of a Structured Observation Scale in supervising secondary student teachers

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  • This study was undertaken to determine if the structured observation of student teaching affects student teacher performance. A Structured Observation Scale (SOS), as an instrument for student teaching classroom observation, and a Satisfaction Scale (SS), to assess the satisfaction of cooperating teachers, student teachers, and university supervisors with the observation techniques, were developed using the Delphi technique. Criterion statements were submitted to a Delphi panel of cooperating teachers and university supervisors. The study was organized as a posttest-only control group design. The two-way analysis of variance and the Student's "t" test were utilized as the statistical tools. A total of 30 randomly selected secondary student teachers composed the sample of this study. Thirty-seven cooperating teachers, 300 pupils, and 17 university supervisors also participated in this research. The cooperating teachers and the university supervisors in the experimental group used the SOS every time they made an official observation of a student teacher, while the control group used the traditional observation techniques. The student teacher performance was evaluated on the Purdue Teacher Evaluation Scale (PTES) prior to the end of the student teaching program. Satisfaction with supervisory observation was assessed on the Satisfaction Scale. A high reliability coefficient of both the SOS (r = +0.96) and the SS (r = +0.95) was found. The content validity of the SOS and the SS was confirmed by consensus of Delphi panel members. The student teachers in the experimental group performed significantly better than those in the control group based on the PTES scores. A significant difference existed between the secondary school pupils and the university supervisors in rating of the control group of student teachers. However, there were no significant differences among the rater groups in the experimental group. Interaction between the treatment and the raters was significant with ordinal interaction among cooperating teachers, pupils, and student teachers; and disordinal interaction occurred between student teachers and university supervisors. Student teacher performance was compared between the control group and the experimental group based on the rating of each rater group. Significant differences were found on total score of the PTES as rated by the cooperating teachers and the pupils, with the total means of the experimental group being greater than the control group. Neither student teachers nor university supervisors evaluated the experimental group significantly different than the control group in student teaching performance. It was concluded from analysis of overall satisfaction with classroom observation techniques that significant differences existed with the mean score of the control group being greater than the experimental group.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using Capture Perfect 3.0.82 on a Canon DR-9080C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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