Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Fresh fish quality : consumer perceptions and need for indicators

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  • A sample of 398 rural and urban homemakers who participate in the Oregon State University Extension Home Economics study group program were surveyed to identify their perceptions of quality in fresh fish purchased for home use. The need for quality indicators on labels of fresh fish, and household practices pertaining to quality maintenance, were also assessed. Forty-six percent of respondents indicated disappointment with the quality of purchased fresh fish. Satisfaction with the quality of fresh fish was unrelated to frequency of consumption, participation in a prior seafood course, or knowledge regarding the storage and preparation of fresh fish. A significant relationship was identified between frequency of consumption and knowledge regarding the storage and preparation of fresh fish. Frequency of consumption was also significantly related to participation in a prior seafood course. Respondents rated indicators of quality (freshness, smell, appearance) as important considerations when purchasing fresh fish, but note limited ability to assess quality. Fifty-four percent of respondents agree that labels on fresh fish were a good way to provide information about quality. Guaranteed freshness was considered information most important for labeling on fresh fish. Findings suggest that efforts to market fish should emphasize correct storage and handling techniques for retailers and consumers, and cooking instructions for consumers. The fishing industry and retailers are encouraged to accept responsibility for quality assurance.
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