Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Assessing Several Modeling Approaches in Depletion Studies of a TRISO-Fueled Microreactor

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  • The impact of MCNP6 depletion resolution on core lifetime is examined in the context of the Snowflake microreactor with explicit TRISO fuel. The change in core lifetime and iso- tope mass as a result of different tracked isotopes, timesteps, and spatial regions is discussed. Calculation speed of a prototype MCNP delta tracking module is compared to a reactivity- equivalent physical transformation (RPT). Using a single depletion material underpredicts core lifetime by 15%, and the resolution necessary to converge isotope mass greatly depends on the specific isotope, in addition to the size (and location) of the depletion region. The prototype delta tracking module decreases the CPU time of explicit TRISO criticality calcu- lations by 30%, but does not always result in a speedup when used with depletion. Significant depletion speedup is obtained using RPT (50% faster), and all isotope masses agreed within three percent.
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