Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Optimization of interactive live free viewpoint multiview video streaming bandwidth

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  • There are generally two types of multiview video:(1) 3D Multiview Video (“3D MVV” also called “2D plus delta” or “stereo” multi-view video): 3D MVV is widely deployed in cinemas and in the TV industry. 3D MVV typically entails capturing video of an object using two cameras with differing view angles to allow for depth perception.(2) Free Viewpoint Multiview Video TV (“FTV”): Free Viewpoint Multiview Video allows the user to freely pan horizontally based on an array of cameras.While advances have occurred for 3D MVV, and to a lesser extent, stored FTV [Cheung2011], the commercialization and advancement of live Free Viewpoint Multiview Video has stalled. The failure of FTV is attributed to the lack of standardization and the high bandwidth requirements of the FTV content.This thesis provides a solution to obtain a significant reduction in FTV broadcast and P2P bandwidth utilization as compared to current proposed methods, while maximizing the user experience for the given bandwidth.
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Peer Reviewed

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