Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Diffusion of information about clothing to adults with orthopedic limitations

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  • The purpose of this study was to propose recommendations for improved diffusion of clothing information to orthopedically limited adults. A sample of 180 orthopedically limited adults residing in the Willamette Valley of Oregon was selected using mailing lists from the Oregon Governor's Conference for the Handicapped, from Oregon State University Department of Handicapped Services, and additional names and addresses provided by some respondents. A mailed questionnaire was designed to examine five demographic characteristics, including sex, age group, educational level, physical limitations, and annual household incomes; and the sources of information available to, used by, and preferred by the respondents. A total of 91 usable questionnaires (50.6% return rate) were included in this study. The initial mailing and a three-week follow-up of non-respondents included a hand-signed cover letter, the questionnaire booklet, and a first class, stamped return envelope. A postal card follow-up was mailed to all subjects one week following questionnaire distribution. As a token reward, a bibliography of available clothing information for the handicapped was mailed to all respondents. Descriptive statistics were utilized to examine the demographic variables, and the sources of information available to, used by, and preferred by the sample. Chi-square tests were used to analyze the hypothesis for each information source. The .05 significance level was established. Recommendations pertinent to diffusion of clothing information to orthopedically limited adults are made for each information source based upon chi-square test results and the percentage frequency of respondents who prefer but do not use each source. Recommendations are made either to maintain, develop, or reject diffusion efforts for individual sources. As a supplement to the recommendations, sources where expanded availability would enhance diffusion are identified, and further prioritized to determine those most deserving of expansion efforts. Results of the analyses indicate: (1) Respondents are nearly equally representative of each sex, 20 years and older (78.1% are age 30-59), educated at or beyond the high school level (93.4%), are multiply handicapped (70.4%), and receive annual household incomes of less than $10,000 (60.5%). (2) The information sources available to more than 80% of the respondents include friends, television, newspapers, radio, and family. (3) The information sources used by more than 49% of the respondents for clothing information include catalogs, newspapers, friends, family, and salespersons. (4) The information sources preferred by more than 50% of the respondents for clothing information include catalogs, family, newspapers, friends, pamphlets, popular magazines, newsletters, television, salespersons, and county extension bulletins. The following recommendations are proposed in terms of promoting effective diffusion of clothing information to orthopedically limited adults: (1) Maintenance of current diffusion efforts and continued use is recommended for the sources both currently used and preferred by the respondents, including newspapers, catalogs, correspondence courses, family, friends, salespersons, television, and radio. (2) Further development of diffusion efforts is recommended for the sources preferred but currently underutilized, including books, popular magazines, newsletters, pamphlets, county extension bulletins, workshops, rehabilitation programs, adult education classes, college/university classes, films, filmstrips, and video-taped programs. (3) Rejection of expanded diffusion efforts is recommended for the sources neither used nor preferred, including taperecorded messages, slide programs, and computerized programs. As a supplement to the recommendations, it is suggested that expanded availability of the information sources preferred but not readily available be considered for county extension bulletins, catalogs, pamphlets, video-taped programs, workshops, newsletters, computerized programs, and filmstrips. Further prioritization indicated the following sources to be most deserving of expansion efforts: county extension bulletins, pamphlets, newsletters, workshops, catalogs, and video-taped programs.
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