Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

An internal convective heating technique for diffusion bonding highly parallel microchannel architectures

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  • Diffusion bonding cycle times can be a large cost factor in the production of metal microchannel devices. The challenge is to significantly minimize this cost by reducing the bonding cycle time through rapid and uniform heating and cooling within the bonding process. Heating rates in diffusion bonding processes are typically limited by the need to minimize internal thermal gradients during bonding. A novel method is described which takes advantage of the internal flow passages within microchannel devices for convective heat transfer during the bonding process. The internal convective heating (ICH) technique makes use of heated inert gas to provide the microchannel assembly with rapid and uniform heat input. The first paper in this thesis manuscript investigates the feasibility of the ICH method by studying leakage rates and thermal requirements within the process. The second paper provides results and a statistical analysis demonstrating that the ICH technique is feasible and capable of shorter bonding cycle times than traditional vacuum hot press methods. Results suggest that this may be due to smaller thermal gradients within microchannel devices during the ICH bonding cycle. Appendices are provided at the end of this manuscript providing the raw data to support these findings.
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