Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The influence of variety, plant population and planting date on corn silage production

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  • The influence of variety, plant population, and planting date on corn silage production was studied at Hyslop Agronomy Farm, Corvallis, Oregon. The corn plants were grown under irrigation with 300 pounds per acre of 16-20-0 (N-P₂0₅-K₂0) and 240 pounds of urea, providing a total nitrogen application of 158 pounds per acre. The yield of total dry matter, shelled grain, silage and the chemical constituents of silage (feeding quality), date of maturity and plant height were studied. The medium season varieties gave more yield of dry matter, shelled grain and silage than the early varieties. Yields of silage and shelled grain were reduced when the varieties were planted in late May compared with the same varieties planted in late April. The yield of all varieties used in the late planting test, including Sudangrass, showed no statistically significant differences. Late planting apparently prolonged date of maturity compared with the same varieties in early planting. The yield of silage increased with increased plant population. Row spacing had a large influence o.n yield of dry matter, particularly at high population rate. The 36-inch rows treatments gave a higher yield than 24-inch rows for every variety studied. The variation in plant spacing within the row (one vs. two plants per hill) had very little effect o.n yield if any. The feeding value, on the basis of analysis for feed constituents, was not influenced by increased population rate. Yield of silage was positively correlated with time to maturity and plant height and inversely with percent grain.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using Capture Perfect 3.0.82 on a Canon DR-9080C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.

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