Graduate Project

Framework and Method for Designing Complementarist Interventions to Systemically Address Management Challenges in Small Organizations

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  • Small organizations may face several management challenges, such as developing non-centralized management structures, knowledge retention in rapid turnover environments, complex operations, and diverse stakeholder requirements. Many methodologies exist to address such management challenges, including viable system model, knowledge management, and Toyota production system, or lean manufacturing. Each of these methodologies addresses a particular management challenge, but none of them alone are sufficient to address the complex problem contexts of modern organizations. Several methodologies also exist to combine different weltanschauungen (worldviews), including soft systems methodology, total systems intervention, creative design of methods, and boundary critique. These are all methodologies in the field of systems thinking, thus their application requires education in that field. Practitioners need support in defining experienced problem contexts, selecting intervention approaches (methodologies), and applying a complementarist intervention approach. This research provides a framework for defining problem contexts and intervention approaches, and a method for selecting appropriate approaches and applying them. The proposed framework and method were developed in a case study of a small non-profit organization performing knowledge-based work in a dynamic environment. The research is presented in this paper by: 1) discussing the purpose of the research, 2) describing the methodology for developing the framework and method, 3) presenting the three papers within this research, 4) discussing findings and conclusions, and 5) proposing future work.
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Peer Reviewed

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