Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The common professional education competencies of junior high school teachers

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  • The central purposes of this study were to identify the common professional education competencies of junior high school teachers and to 1. Determine the proficiency levels necessary in order to accomplish these tasks. 2. Determine the cognitive domain levels required in order to fulfill these tasks. The major dimensions of the study were the construction and validation of an interview questionnaire for junior high school teachers, the analysis of variance to determine if there were differences among the junior high schools in their responses to the items, a factor analysis of the competencies and junior high school respondents, a determination of the correlation coefficient between the two sets of dependent variables, and the formulation of implications to be considered in the development of teacher education curricula. The construction of the teacher questionnaire was validated through a review of the literature, an evaluation by a jury panel of experts, and a field test. An interview questionnaire containing 89 professional education competencies, together with a five-point Likert-type scale to denote the required proficiency and a five-point hierarchical scale to denote the necessary cognitive domain level was used to gather data. A random sample of 21 teachers from each of four selected junior high schools in Oregon provided the data for the study. The dependent variables were the scores judgmentally assigned by the respondents to denote the level of proficiency and the cognitive domain level which they felt they possessed for each of the 89 competencies. Analysis of the data revealed that a group of common professional education competencies for junior high school teachers exists and is identifiable. Generally, junior high schools were alike in their responses to the proficiency levels required and the cognitive domain levels necessary in the performance of the identified competencies. Competencies which clustered under the Instruction Factor were judged by teachers to require the highest level of proficiency and the highest cognitive level. Community Relations competencies received the lowest mean and median scores. Generally, those competencies which were identified with the teaching-learning process received higher mean and median values. The further removed the competency was from the actual teaching process, the lower the proficiency requirement and the lower the cognitive requirement. Respondents indicated that moderate, considerable, or complete proficiency, was required with 71 of the 89 competencies and that the cognitive application level or higher was required for 75 of the 89 competencies. The factor analysis techniques revealed that junior high school teachers resembled one another in their responses and demonstrated that it is possible to generate factors containing clusters of common professional education competencies.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.

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